Monday, February 22, 2021

Love, sent to a single loaded corridor

Hanging upside down, like a giant lizard 

I cling to you with unblinking calm, 

draw waves along your length.

I dream of ways to inhabit you again,

my Marsyas, as your voussoirs shelter me 

under nine arches.

Out from under the First, I regain balance

on moss-retaining tiles, checkered red,

laid at 1:5, turn away from its faint stench.

Rants of a cutter-armed friend 

ricochet off mount boards;  she completes 

my model, saving my ass under the Second. 

A ninja jumps out from under the Third

negotiating a bush, watered from above.

A puddle forms in broken asphalt.

I witness a red-rose proposal 

under the Fourth, where level differences 

match heights, and hearts.

Perpendicular runs under the Fifth, midway

on steps that bite into the plinth,

stage ephemeral greetings, impromptu baithaks.

T-scales dumped under the Sixth –

the ancient bearer of unreadable results 

that wears a baroque egg tiara and watches on.

Vapour swirls from tea, served in paper cups 

held by Dumbledore Longbeards,

spilling out of seminars, racing to reach the Seventh.

I wade through a copy of the new Shilpasagar, 

on a table, as I peep into the Principal's cabin 

under the Eighth. Sore 

from an overdose of architecture,

I turn to the fine arts, a gallop away, 

to contemplate an escape under the Ninth.

I don't act on it.

Oscillating between volume bursts

You are Newton's cradle,

I come to you, to go nowhere.

Published in the February 2021 issue of the Indo French (Jaipur-Paris) RIC journal

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Reading poetry

I jump into your quagmire

wading through greys 
like a sieve, between fiction
and places that aren't.

Stained with what sticks 
I wish the rest remains 
water under a bridge.

Tell me, 
did you jump in naked too?

Published in The Woman Inc Poetry Series on 03/02/2021 link:

Vaira mookutti

keloids shine alongside stones,
survival of the right nostril
threatened by her maamiyaar
who aggressively strives
to home in a fat pin
into allergic skin
with an almost,
maternal enthusiasm

she rescues herself
resorting to
talagaani mantram
after the third attempt.

decades later,
her great grand daughter yelps
as she pushes it home,
satisfied that she looks
vintage, traditional, kitsch.

Vaira mookutti : diamond nose pin
Maamiyaar : mother in law
Talahaani mantram : pillow talk

Published in The Woman Inc Poetry Series on 03/02/2021 link: